Learning Labs, Inc. represents several companies which develop educational products that teach aspects of biotechnology.
Edibon is a worldwide benchmark company, with over 40 years of experience in teaching equipment for engineering and technical education. Their continuous Research and Development allows them to have more than 4,000 products, manufactured with the most advanced technology and complying with international quality standards.
Edibon has trainers that focus on biomedical engineering.
Hampden Engineering Corporation has built a reputation for manufacturing
cutting edge, engineering and technology training equipment of the highest quality since 1954.
Hampden Engineering equipment is used in universities, technical and vocational schools as well as industry workforce development programs in over 60 countries.
Hampden offers trainers for biotechnology and bio-process.
Intelitek’s Introduction to STEM Pathways , including a unit on biotechnology, provides an easy-to-implement solution for delivering early engagement and discovery of science, technology, engineering and mathematics topics for middle and high school students.
Using multiple instructional strategies including activity-based learning and immersive e-learning, students explore technology, examine science and math concepts and investigate careers in STEM. The standards-based curriculum emphasizes 21st Century skills including teamwork, leadership and creative problem-solving skills. Relevant topics like robotics, energy systems and transportation help students see the connection between STEM and the world around them.
Intelitek is not available in Florida.