ATech Training, Inc. was founded in 1984 with a desire to develop products that would aid instructors in presenting a hands on approach to teaching and learning the skills of diagnosing and repairing automobiles.
With this vision, ATech has become a world leader in the design and development of world class “Trainers” and courseware for the Automotive OEM, Secondary Education, Community College, Military and Technical Schools.
In January 2005, ATech became the only training equipment designer/manufacturer in the world to be Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE™) certified by the Automotive Service Association (ASE™).
ATech offers a variety of products including:
Vehicle Technology Trainer (Nissan Leaf shown)
Please use the links above or contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Vehicle Technology Trainer
The Vehicle Technology Trainer uses a late model “recycled” vehicle. This trainer can be setup as a gas, diesel, electric, or hybrid option. Model 610 (shown) is a Nissan Leaf.
Study and diagnosis most automobile systems including:
Engine Performance
Electrical / Electronic
Suspension / Steering
Heating / Air Conditioning
Includes an ATech Fault / Simulator Panel with multiple faulting options / features:
Real-time voltage readouts or various selectable sensors
Individual or multiple sensors are selectable for voltage substitutions
Voltage adjustment potentiometers for each sensor
Courseware Included
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.
Automobile Systems Trainers
Each automotive system is spread out throughout the vehicle. These trainers bring each part of a system together in a compact format allowing the student to understand all the components involved in the function of that system.
Trainers include:
Automotive Systems
Starting System
Charging System
Lighting System
Wiper/Washer System
Power Window System
Power Seat System
GMLAN Network System
Smarter Car
ABS/TCS System
Drum/Disc Brake Trainer
Heating and Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning Full System
Blower Control System
Engine Cooling Fan System
Fan Speed Control Trainer
Suspension and Steering
Supplemental Inflatable Restraint System
Suspension and Steering System
Transmission and Transaxle
Electronic Automatic Transaxle
Electronic Automatic Transmission
Manual Transaxle
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Computer Based Instruction
Programs include:
Automotive Electricity
Charging System Troubleshooting
Starter System Troubleshooting
Engine Performance Troubleshooting Trainer
Engine Control Computer Based Trainer
Troubleshooting Skill Development
S.E.T. Virtual Trainer
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Cutaways include:
A/C Compressor
GM Motor
Manual Transmission (FWD)
Manual Transmission (RWD)
Power Steering Pump
Rack and Pinion
Rear Axles
Transfer Case
Common Rail
Diesel Rotary Pump
Diesel Scroll Metering Pump
Diesel Sleeve Metering Pump
Planetary Gear
Small Engine
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Electrical Trainers
ATech offers several electrical and electronic trainers including the:
Applied Electrical Trainer (Model 4810)
Electrical Skill Development Troubleshooting (Model 5810TT)
The Applied Electrical Trainer Model 4810 presents the study of electricity and electrical circuits. This training unit also has the flexibility to allow instructors to create their own circuits and/or tests for measurement and evaluation. Optional Sub-mounts and Storage Case available. The Applied Electrical Trainer contains the following components and capabilities:
Connector wires in three colors
Auxiliary jacks for optional sub-mounts
Includes Student Manual and Instructor Guide
The Electrical Skill Development Troubleshooting Model 5810TT provides an in-depth, hands-on study of automotive electricity and electronics. Allows for troubleshooting skill development and competency testing. The internal fault board offers different computer-controlled hard faults. Both serial and parallel circuits can be configured to perform the activities in the ESDTT courseware.
Features include:
Optional submounts can be added to create customized circuits
Courseware included: Student Manual and Instructor Guide
Classroom Management Program (CMP) compatible
Network display and storage of student’s performance
Fault insertion with keypad or ATech Lab System (ALS)
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Engine Performance Trainers
From small to large, these trainers focus on what makes the engine run and operate.
Trainers include:
Engine Repair and Start Cart
GM ODB II System
Intermittent Fault Box
Electronic Ignition System
Integrated Electronic Ignition System
Direct Ignition (GM) System
Injector/Fuel Pump System
Evaporative Emission System
Light/Medium Duty
Automotive Technology Trainer
Engine Performance Trainer
Engine Performance (Bio-Fuel) Trainer
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Trainers
Trainers include:
Diesel Engine Performance
Diesel Engine Trainer
Diesel Engine Trainer (Heavy Duty)
Diesel Injection Pump Trainer
Diesel System Trainer
On Vehicle Diesel Trainer
Air Brakes
Tractor System
Trailer System
Three Axle System
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.
Electric Vehicle System
Simulated High Voltage Components (24V MAX)
Wall Charging Capable
Battery Monitoring
Low Voltage and High Voltage Systems Included
Specialized Components:
DC to AC Invertor
HV Junction Blocks
DC to DC Convertor
Synchronous AC Drive Motor
High Voltage Battery Pack
Low Voltage Battery Pack
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Automotive Controller Area Network (CAN)
Because of modern technology, today's automobiles are smarter than ever. The car's sophisticated brain communicates with the many automotive systems via a network not unlike the human nervous system. The de facto standard in modern transportation is a platform called the Controller Area Network, or CAN.
The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a serial bus communications protocol developed by Bosch in the early 1980s. It defines a standard for efficient and reliable communication between sensor, actuator, controller, and other nodes in real-time applications. CAN is the de facto standard in a large variety of networked embedded control systems.
CAN is found in a variety of passenger cars, trucks, boats, spacecraft, and other types of vehicles. In the automotive industry, embedded control has grown from stand-alone systems to highly integrated and networked control systems. By networking electro-mechanical subsystems, it becomes possible to modularize functionalities and hardware, which facilitates reuse and adds capabilities.
Combining networks and mechatronic modules makes it possible to reduce both the cabling and the number of connectors, which facilitates production and increases reliability. Introducing networks in vehicles also makes it possible to more efficiently carry out diagnostics and to coordinate the operation of the separate subsystems.
*Much of this information was derived from a paper entitled Vehicle Applications of Controller Area Network by Karl Henrik Johansson, Martin Törngren, and Lars Nielsen.
ATech Corporation has developed a robust series of trainers and multi-media courseware to support the CAN platform.
The series includes:
Starting System
Charging System
Lighting System
Wiper/Washer System
Power Window System
Power Door Lock System
Power Seat System
And GMLAN Network System
For more details on each of these trainers and associated courseware, download the CAN Platform catalog (PDF).
Please contact your Regional Manager for more information.

Click the image above to download the PDF of the CAN Platform catalog.